United States Shooting Academy
Owner: United States Shooting Academy
General Contractor: Crossland Construction
Architect: Graber & Associates
Engineer: Sack and Assoc.
Location: Chrerokee Industrial Park, Tulsa, OK
Site Clearing – 30 Acres
Cut & Fill – 290,000 cy
Replace Topsoil – 41,000 cy
Trickle Channel – 1,200 LF
Storm Sewer – 1,350 LF
Aggregate Base – 8,700 TN
The United States shooting Academy is the shooting range for both long and short-range training practice for individuals or law enforcement. Dot scope for this project was especially difficult due to the height (20’ to 40’), Slope of the berms (1 to 1) And the compaction requirement of 95%. The berms are designed to only be 2’ wide at the top and a sprinkler system was installed by others to maintain the sod after the berms were constructed from onsite borrow which resulted in a pound and significant drainage ditches. This project had a national event scheduled for 6 months after starting construction and was ready for its scheduled use. Cherokee builders has received many compliments concerning the complicity of this project and the impressive appearance whether driving through the range or viewing from airplanes which fly near the site as they approach Tulsa International Airport. This project is valued at $1.5 million.